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Let us talk about academic writing and presenting

12 minute read


Technical writing comes in the form of reports, articles, guides, documentation, business plans, user manuals, patents, etc. Furthermore, such writing is aimed at a diverse audience, from your boss, clients, students, colleagues, politicians, experts, non-experts, etc. This post is a great opportunity to reflect on technical writing and polish it so that sharing information becomes easier. Read more

Para Papito

less than 1 minute read


This poem is dedicated to someone who gave me the best days of my childhood. Read more

Starting again

5 minute read


I am writing this post while preparing for a new adventure in the Netherlands. Although I am happy to begin a challenge and meet fascinating colleagues, it is undeniable that starting from scratch in an unknown place comes with anxiety and several questions. As someone who has passed through this process two times, let me write down some thoughts about starting again in a new country. In summary, it never gets easy, but the adventure is worth it. Read more

Do you sell coc…The Colombian karma

6 minute read


Christmas in 2022 has been weird for me due to unexpected and undesired events. However, I wanted to make this post about my nationality for future reference as it is a common topic that brings uncomfortable talks. Indeed, I got used to the phrase “do you sell drugs?” within the first 10 minutes of an introductory conversation with someone new, even in a professional setting. For the record, I do not sell drugs and am not involved in any of those businesses. Nevertheless, the Colombian nationality seems like a curse due to unwanted fame from the 70’s - 90’s decades and TV shows with distorted information. I aim to demystify Colombian nationality from the point of view of a researcher living outside Colombia. Read more

My to-do list

2 minute read


Let me share with you my to-do list for the next decades. Some activities are charitable, others are laughable, and others are random. We will see how many are completed in the future. Last update: 27. October ‘22. Read more

Embrace the winter as someone from the tropics

12 minute read


I come from Medellin, Colombia, a well-known city for flowers, coffee, and fantastic weather. The average temperature in Medellin is between 17°C to 28°C. Furthermore, there are two seasons in Colombia: dry and rainy. During the dry season, you may experience a shiny and clear sky daily. However, when it is the rainy season, you may expect a swimming pool the size of a city and blocks of ice falling from the sky. The tropical weather is terrific, don’t you think so? Notice that I have not mentioned snow anywhere yet. Indeed, I tasted snow for the first time when I visited El Nevado del Ruiz in Caldas, Colombia, at 10 years old. And I experienced a complete season below 0°C during my internship in Germany in 2015. In this post, I want to talk about the daily life of a tropical-country guy during the winter season. Read more

Let us talk about personal finances

11 minute read


One of my secret passions is finance. So, I would like to talk about personal finances and some tips for saving money. Furthermore, as someone who has made stupid decisions in life, I want to share my experiences and lessons from those mistakes. Although this post is not financial advice of any kind, it is worth sharing stories about finance and money as it looks like a tabu in today’s society. Read more

Coexisting With A Paperclip Maximizer

13 minute read


In this post, we consider the paperclip maximizer problem proposed by [1] in the context of weak intelligence for machine learning algorithms. After an overview of the learning process in the weak intelligence paradigm, we critique this empirical knowledge acquisition under a mathematical framework subject to the human bias. Then, provide open questions to the field of artificial intelligence on how the paperclip maximizer phenomenon is growing up around us. Read more


Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning

My Ph.D. project aims to explore novel techniques in Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning for adaptive control to prevent fatal states in large-scale systems where some control actions may end up in undesired consequences Read more

GEM Robotics

GEM Robotics was a mechatronics student group funded in 2013 to develop mobile robots using open source technology while researching autonomous navigation Read more


Glycemic Monitoring in Critical Care using Nonlinear State Estimators

Published in IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017

As it is already known, patients under physiological stress, i.e., during a stay at an intensive care unit (ICU), often experience stress-induced hyperglycemia and insulin resistance even if they are not diagnosed with diabetes. In order to perform tight glycemic control (TGC) either by human intervention or by means of an automatic insulin infusion system, a proper monitoring system of the critical variables needs to be available. Read more

Recommended citation: E. Aguirre-Zapata, J. Cardenas-Cartagena, and J. Garcia-Tirado, “Glycemic Monitoring in Critical Care using Nonlinear State Estimators,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 4430–4435, Jul. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.369.

Cocreation laboratory in health: Materialization tool for innovation process in Colombian public hospitals

Published in 2017 Congreso Internacional de Innovacion y Tendencias en Ingenieria (CONIITI), 2017

Although there is a considerable investment in research for overall health, only the 1% of Colombian hospitals and clinical institutions, known as IPS, can afford innovation processes, this phenomenon implies a short generation of intellectual assets in health-care system in Colombia is shown. Read more

Recommended citation: S. Torres-Montoya, J. Cardenas-Cartagena, A. Arenas-Lopez, A. Quintero-Posada, and R. Torres-Villa, “Cocreation laboratory in health: Materialization tool for innovation process in Colombian public hospitals,” in 2017 Congreso Internacional de Innovacion y Tendencias en Ingenieria (CONIITI), Bogota, Oct. 2017, pp. 1–6, doi: 10.1109/CONIITI.2017.8273330.

Forecasting Aquaponic Systems Behaviour With Recurrent Neural Networks Models

Published in Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop, 2022

Aquaponic systems provide a reliable solution to grow vegetables while cultivating fish (or other aquatic organisms) in a controlled environment. The main advantage of these systems compared with traditional soil-based agriculture and aquaculture installations is the ability to produce fish and vegetables with low water consumption. Aquaponics requires a robust control system capable of optimizing fish and plant growth while ensuring a safe operation. Read more

Recommended citation: J. Cardenas-Cartagena, M. Elnourani, and B. Beferull-Lozano, “Forecasting Aquaponic Systems Behaviour With Recurrent Neural Networks Models,” in Pro- ceedings of the Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop, Tromso, Norway, 2022, doi: 10.7557/18.6236

Risk-Aware Particle Filtering For State Estimation In Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

Published in The 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2022

We design a sequential non-linear risk-aware estimator based on particle filtering to compute estimates and approximate the system state posterior distribution. For this purpose, we consider the risk given by the expected variance of the squared error between the system state and the estimate conditioned on the observations. Read more

Recommended citation: J. Cardenas-Cartagena, M. Elnourani, B. Beferull-Lozano, and D. Romero, “Risk- Aware Particle Filtering For State Estimation In Recirculating Aquaculture Systems ,” in the 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, USA, 2022. TBA

Forecasting Smog Clouds With Deep Learning: A Proof-Of-Concept

Published in ICML 2024, AI4Science, 2024

This study investigates deep learning models, particularly LSTMs and GRUs, for multi-location air pollution forecasting of NO2, O3, PM10 & PM2.5, with a hierarchical GRU emerging as the most effective method. Read more

Recommended citation: Oldenburg, V., Cardenas-Cartagena, J., & Valdenegro-Toro, M. (2024). Forecasting Smog Clouds With Deep Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.02759.

Interpretable Function Approximation with Gaussian Processes in Value-Based Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

Published in Proceedings of the 6th Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference (NLDL), 2025

This paper explores using Gaussian process models in RL for action-value estimation, finding they outperform linear models but lag behind deep neural networks in speed and performance, while offering better uncertainty estimates and interpretability. Read more

Recommended citation: Lende, M.v.d., Sabatelli, M. &; Cardenas-Cartagena, J. (2025). Interpretable Function Approximation with Gaussian Processes in Value-Based Model-Free Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 6th Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference (NLDL), in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 265:141-154 Available from



Open Project


If you have a problem or idea, we may consider it for your bachelor’s or master’s project. Read more


Graphene Revolution (in Spanish)


In this conference, we discussed how the graphene was discovered, why this particular carbon structure is so unique for the industry, and what problems to get the most out of the material. Read more

Domotics (in Spanish)


In this conference, we discussed the Internet of Things for domestic usage, focusing on household appliances, remote surveillance, and human-machine interface, and alternative energies, like solar energy. Read more
