- Ph.D in Engineering and Science, University of Agder, Norway, 2025 (expected)
- Project: Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning Techniques for Data-Driven Adaptive Control
- Selected courses: Convex and Non-convex Optimization, Deep Learning, Statistical Signal Processing.
- M.Sc. in Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University, Canada, 2019
- Project: On the Kalman filter with intermittent observations
- Selected courses: Stochastic Control, Modern Control Theory, Data Compression And Source Coding.
- B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering, EIA University, Colombia, 2016
- Project: Autonomous mobile robot navigation using particle filtering in the localization stage.
- Selected courses: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Continuous And Discrete Control, Mechatronics Design
Work experience
- Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2023
- Teach and design undergraduate and graduate-level courses in artificial intelligence, covering topics such as Signals and Systems, Reinforcement Learning, and Machine Learning.
- Supervise Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis projects, guiding students in the application of AI principles and research methodologies.
- Teaching Assistant, Wisenet Center - University of Agder, Norway, 2021-2022
- Supported the design of the Ph.D. course in Deep Reinforcement Learning.
- Taught lectures in advanced reinforcement learning algorithms to doctoral students.
- Teaching Assistant, Queen’s University, Canada, 2018-2019
- Tutored in Linear Algebra, Statistics, and Differential Equations courses.
- Project Assistant, General Hospital of Medellin, Colombia, 2016 - 2017
- Designed a MakerSpace for healthcare-related projects inside the Hospital.
- Developed learning activities about co-creation methodologies for healthcare professionals.
- Prototyped two devices related to hand-washing monitoring and sterilization process for intra-hospital use by utilizing the proposed co-creation methodology in the MakerSpace.
- Supervised biomedical engineering students in projects about innovation in medical devices.
- Student Intern, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Winter 2015
- Designed algorithms to compute the size of aerosol particles from laser beam intensities.
- Tested a Bayesian inversion method to estimate the size of aerosol particles in a controlled environment.
- Industry Knowledge: Research, Engineering Design, Agile methodologies, Design Thinking, Co-Creation
- Programming Languages: Python, Matlab, SQL
- Relevant libraries: Pytorch, TensorFlow, Keras, Horovod, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib
- Coding tools: Version control (GIT/GitHub), Docker, LaTeX, Web design
- Prototyping tools: 3D printing, Inventor Fusion, Siemens Solid Edge, Altium, Arduino, PIC Microcontroller
- Colfuturo scholarship-loan, Colfuturo, Colombia, 2017
- Grant issued by the Foundation for the Future of Colombia (Colfuturo) and the Colombian ministry of science, technology, and innovation. I used the grant in my graduate studies at Queen’s University.
- Fondo Sapiencia - EPM, Sapiencia Medellin, Colombia, 2011
- Grant issued by the higher education agency of the Medellin Mayor’s office (Sapiencia). I used the grant in my bachelor studies at EIA University.
- Finalist at the Forsker Grand Prix, University of Agder, Norway, 2020
- Finalist in the science popularisation contest Forsker Grand Prix with my talk “Helping machines to make safe actions.”
- Orchid gold award, Medellin Council, Colombia, 2014
- The Medellin Council awarded my robotics team with the Orchid gold award for our developments in mobile robots for international competitions between universities.
- Champion at RoboRave International, RoboRave, USA, 2014
- Our team participated in the RoboRave International 2014 and won first place in the Fire Fighting challenge with an own made autonomous mobile robot based on an Arduino platform and PIC microcontroller.
- Champion at RoboRave Colombia, RoboRave, Colombia, 2013
- My team participated in the RoboRave Colombia 2013 and won first place in the Fire Fighting challenge with an own made autonomous mobile robot based on an Arduino platform.
Glycemic Monitoring in Critical Care using Nonlinear State Estimators
E. Aguirre-Zapata, J. Cardenas-Cartagena, and J. Garcia-Tirado, “Glycemic Monitoring in Critical Care using Nonlinear State Estimators,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 4430–4435, Jul. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.369.
Cocreation laboratory in health: Materialization tool for innovation process in Colombian public hospitals
S. Torres-Montoya, J. Cardenas-Cartagena, A. Arenas-Lopez, A. Quintero-Posada, and R. Torres-Villa, “Cocreation laboratory in health: Materialization tool for innovation process in Colombian public hospitals,” in 2017 Congreso Internacional de Innovacion y Tendencias en Ingenieria (CONIITI), Bogota, Oct. 2017, pp. 1–6, doi: 10.1109/CONIITI.2017.8273330.
Forecasting Aquaponic Systems Behaviour With Recurrent Neural Networks Models
J. Cardenas-Cartagena, M. Elnourani, and B. Beferull-Lozano, “Forecasting Aquaponic Systems Behaviour With Recurrent Neural Networks Models,” in Pro- ceedings of the Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop, Tromso, Norway, 2022, doi: 10.7557/18.6236
Risk-Aware Particle Filtering For State Estimation In Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
J. Cardenas-Cartagena, M. Elnourani, B. Beferull-Lozano, and D. Romero, “Risk- Aware Particle Filtering For State Estimation In Recirculating Aquaculture Systems ,” in the 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, USA, 2022.
Forecasting Smog Clouds With Deep Learning: A Proof-Of-Concept
Oldenburg, V., Cardenas-Cartagena, J., & Valdenegro-Toro, M. (2024). Forecasting Smog Clouds With Deep Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.02759.
Interpretable Function Approximation with Gaussian Processes in Value-Based Model-Free Reinforcement Learning
Lende, M.v.d., Sabatelli, M. &; Cardenas-Cartagena, J. (2025). Interpretable Function Approximation with Gaussian Processes in Value-Based Model-Free Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 6th Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference (NLDL), in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 265:141-154 Available from
Graphene Revolution (in Spanish)
Talk at 6th Campus Party Colombia, Medellin, Colombia
Domotics (in Spanish)
Talk at 7th Campus Party Colombia, Cali, Colombia
Helping machines to make safe actions
Talk at Regional Final - Forsker Grand Prix 2020 - Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
Service and leadership
- Reviewer, 2022-Present
- Review scientific papers for multiple conferences and journals in the field of artificial intelligence and control.
- Academic and skills development coordinator, UiAdoc, Norway, 2021-2022
- Organized events to support the professional development of doctoral researchers in Agder.
- Event organizer, ACI Medellin, Colombia, 2021-2021
- Organized virtual conferences in science popularization and cultural exchange for small businesses in the city.
- Community manager, IEEE Colombia, Colombia, 2019
- Community manager in charge of the social media accounts to promote the 4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control.
- Student mentor, Clubes de Ciencia Colombia, Colombia, 2017
- Develop a workshop related to 3D printing technology and CAD modelling to prototype medical devices, with a target audience of young people between 13 and 18 years old.
- Student mentor, Parque Explora, Colombia, 2016
- Support a school research project for a local academic event, whose objective was the development of a robotic manipulator prototype for use in chemical laboratories.
- Spanish: Native proficiency
- English: Professional working proficiency
- Norwegian: Limited working proficiency